Friday, September 5, 2014

C&V: Summer to Fall Transition

So currently, it's still hot as tamales outside. I'm desperately awaiting the return of nice chilly weather. However, I know that perfect fall weather is still weeks away, so I'm going to try and enjoy the rest of this weird summer to fall transition we're gonna be facing for awhile. Dressing in this weather is impossible. The worst is when you start off with chilly mornings but sweltering heat by the afternoon. How do you dress for that?! Obviously layers are your best friend, but still.

For the second part of our first C&V Adventures photo shoot, we snapped a few pics of some "summer into fall" transition outfits. There's really an infinite number of possibilities, but these were just a couple of ones we came up with on the spot. Combining shorts with cardigans is always a good way to go for this type of weather. It's especially great for those of you who don't want to let go of the summer just quite yet!

What's your favorite summer to fall transition outfit?


  1. Cute outfits! I really love the scarf :)

  2. Thanks! I love her scarf, too. I actually have a similar one... we should have coordinated 8-) I'm all about scarves in the fall/winter (I have about 25...) can't WAIT to start using them!!!
