Monday, September 1, 2014

My favorite things to do when I'm sick

Since my life has the tendency to take on ironic twists and turns, I would, of course, get sick over the holiday weekend. I had a lot planned to do this weekend and wasn't even annoyed that I wouldn't get much of a chance to be lazy. That all went down the drain when I started feeling achy and dizzy on Saturday (although that didn't stop me from a 4 hour mall trip, ahem) and by night fall I was bed-ridden. That basically lasted all the way through Sunday and Monday. Today was the worst. I have some kind of head cold, so my brain has felt like a bowling ball all day and I'm just generally feeling like road kill. I'm only now beginning to feel a little bit better, which hopefully lasts because it's back to the real world tomorrow. I'm sad I didn't get to give summer the "unofficial" goodbye, but I'm also excited for fall weather and activities soon!

While I was sick this weekend I thought back to the bajillion of other times I've been sick and what I usually do to try and make myself feel better or at least just pass the time with. So here's some of my favorite things to do when I'm sick!

  • T.V. Show Marathon - I spent most of tonight Netflix binging and did not feel guilty about it in the least bit. I think the fact that I'm sick allows me to lounge around and do nothing but watch show after show without feeling like I'm wasting my life away. What else am I going to do but lay in bed and let Netflix take over my life? I don't even have to click "next episode"! When I got mono over winter break my freshman year of college, I spent two weeks in bed watching 4 seasons (or more?) of Supernatural. It was awesome.
  • Shower - Okay, this may seem like a weird one, but hear me out. Whenever I'm sick, I unfortunately do not have the energy or will power to maintain my personal hygiene. So, once I finally do get that little spurt of energy, I hop into the shower and start to feel better instantaneously. It's almost how some people like taking showers in the morning because it wakes them up (that doesn't work for me, by the way). When I'm sick, I like taking showers once I'm able to because I start feeling refreshed and a lot less like road kill. 
  • Pig out - I ate quite a bit of Chinese food and chocolate ice cream with peanut butter cups this weekend. No regrets. I don't feel guilty for eating junk food when I'm sick because I pity myself. Yeah, I said it, so what. No0o0o it's not the best to be fueling yourself with crap, but I'm still drinking lots of water and taking vitamins so I like to think it evens out a bit...
  • Sleep - This one's pretty self-explanatory.
  • Knock myself out with NyQuil - This kind of goes hand in hand with sleep. But really, what's better than getting a good night's rest when you're feeling like baloney? 

This is one of the laziest posts I've ever written, but I'm letting it slide because I'm sick. So there.

What's your favorite thing to do when sick? Help a girl out :)


  1. Reading! It still lets me be lazy and lay around in bed or on the couch all day, but I still feel like I'm being productive. But I will say that I won't ever turn down a movie/tv marathon when I'm sick. It's the perfect way to get all caught up!

  2. I love taking a shower when I'm sick, too! Especially if I have a headache, it just helps me feel better!

  3. I was going to include this, too! Although this time I had a head cold so reading wasn't really something I wanted to be doing while my heading was pounding away :)

  4. I LOVE binge-watching on Netflix - it's a problem! I just finished up all the episodes of Pretty Little Liar that were on Netflix, so I'll need to find my next show. But I LOVED Supernatural (And Doctor Who and Sherlock, while we're on the subject). I hope you start feeling better soon! It sucks to be sick over a break, and it's even worse when it lasts a while :(

  5. being sick is the worst! I just have to netflix and sleep!

  6. Napping. :-) And Netflix between sleeps. And calling my mom...she always makes me feel better. Feel better. :-)


  7. When I'm sick, it's all about babying myself with Naked juices, dark chocolate, and chick flicks. It's like a break-up with my immune system, so it only fits.


  8. I did a PLL marathon, too! It's my guilty pleasure. Part of me just watches the show because of the outfits, haha! Thanks for the well wishes, I'm still dealing with the cold but hopefully it will clear up soon enough :)

  9. Thank you! I agree, mom's tend to make things a little bit better at least haha :)

  10. Sleep is my best friend, even when I'm not sick 0:-)

  11. hahaha a break-up with your immune system is actually the perfect description for it!

  12. Right?!! I think I've coined something new!

  13. Oh hello there, perfect post! haha I'm sick right now, hanging out with hot tea and my laptop in bed and wondering what else I can possibly do and when will I finally get better?! I wish I could take something to make me fall asleep but I have a tough relationship with medicine, so I'm just doing the hot tea + ginger + lemon + honey route and hoping for the best :-)
