Wednesday, January 28, 2015

5 Unusual Tips For Bloggers

So I'm deeming these tips unusual not because they're totally weird and you'll read them and end up being like "what is this girl on right now", but simply because they are tips that I haven't seen out there. They're also "unusual" because they aren't tips that many bloggers think to donot because you're not on top of your blogger game or anything, just because they aren't the most obvious of tips. You may end up thinking these tips are totally normal and pointless, but read them to find out for yourself!

Photo Cred: Rob Faulkner
  1. Always take pictures. Literally of everything. Any time you go out and see something interesting or amusing to you, even if you're just running an errand. Go ahead and take a bunch of shots of the scenery around you. Snap some photos of your outfits on days you're really digging it to be saved for a rainy day. Just snap, snap, snap. You may not even end up using 99% of these pictures, but as a blogger you ALWAYS need to have pictures ready and available to use for every single one of your posts. This way when you're writing a random post you will most likely have some kind of relevant picture to put in. 
  2. Boring posts don't have to be boring. There are days when you write a post and it can be about the most boring topic ever or just some random "daily life" kind of post. I will be frank with you—no one wants to read about that. Well, maybe your stalkers do. The majority of people, however, will not want to read something boring about how your day went or blah blah blah. That doesn't mean you can't write about it, though! Be creative. Get funny with your writing. Throw in some of your personality. Hell, throw in all of your personality. Break out of your shell. Make your writing something that people will actually want to read, regardless of how mundane the topic may be.
  3. Keep a "swipe list" on your phone. A swipe list, or file, is basically where you jot down every single blog post idea that ever pops into your head. You just keep on filling that baby up, non-stop, 24/7. This way when you don't really have any ideas or are looking for something to write about you can head on over to your swipe list and just "swipe" one of the ideas out. I have "swipe lists" pretty much everywhere, but I do have two main ones. One I have on my computer and the other is on my phone. The one on my phone is super important because I pretty much always have my phone with me which means anytime I get an idea, I try to make sure to add it to my list. 
  4. Don't post every day. You might have actually heard the opposite or something along those lines, but hear me out before you think I'm nuts. When you first start blogging, or maybe just during a period that you have a lot of creativity oozing out of your brain, you might start to go blog-crazy and post every day or almost every day. While that's great and all and will certainly help you gain followers and page views, you may want to take it down a notch. Why? Well, several reasons. First, you'll get burnt out. I know from experience. I blogged like crazy in May and then the next couple of months I just sizzled out. I hated how that looked on my archives list. I wanted to be a consistent blogger and I had totally blown it. Oh well, live and learn right? Secondly, you may have all this awesome content you want to put out and share with the world and you're so excited to get it out therebut hold your horses! Go ahead and write these posts and have them all set to go, but schedule them to be spaced out a bit. Or keep them as drafts. You'll be grateful at one point that you did this when you have massive writer's block (which happens to all bloggers, beware). 
  5. Use lists, bold font, italics, sub-headers, etc. in every post. Don't just write a post like you would your own private journal entry. People these days have the attention span of a gold fish and they also seem to think there is not enough time in the day (which may or may not be true...) so they scroll through blog posts like a cheetah. If all they see is blocks of textpeace out. You want to have parts of your post stand out. You don't have to have some kind of list in every post, but definitely try to bold important words or italicize. Sub-headers are also great ways of creating breaks in your text. You can even use pictures. Whatever it is, just make sure that your post is fool-proof for those people who like to just scroll on through. 
Do you have any of your own "unusual" tips to share?


  1. These are so true! I live by #1 & #3 :)

  2. This is a great list of tips! I only blog three days a week and keep to that schedule no matter how many posts I have in mind to write. Like you said, it keeps from burn out and keeps the topics going! Pinning this. :)

  3. these are all great tips! When I started blogging I purposely set a schedule of posting M-W-F and even if I had posts done in advance i stuck to that schedule just in case I go too busy to write or got writers block. I have a "swipe" list on my phone and in the drafts of my blogger posts

  4. I take photos of everything, always have, even before I started blogging. I also keep a list of note full of post ideas.

    As far as frequency, I think everyone has to find their groove. Whether that's once a week, three times a week, five, seven...I'm a firm believer in not posting just to post. Something has to be there to merit a post.

  5. All good points! There's no way I could blog every day! No time and I don't have that much to say! Ha

  6. I like your list. I totally agree about the photos. Sometimes I find that I go back into my iPhone archives and have a perfect photo that I forgot about. Glad I found you from NE Bloggers.

  7. All great tips and true to point. I heard about the posting every day and felt so pressured by that. Now I just post what inspires me and if that's 3 or 4 times a week so be it! Thanks much for this...what a relief!

  8. So, so true!! I am a failure at #1 - I hardly ever take pictures anymore!!

  9. Love those tips! Starting out with my blog and this time I'm ready to rock it — these will definitely be helpful, thanks!

  10. These are very "unusual" but helpful tips! I've recently started doing the first one and it's saved me multiple times with blog posts. I hated when I would have a post but no pictures to promo it on instagram or even include in my post. Now with my ever curious eye not only has my improved my photography, I'm always ready when posts come up!

  11. I seriously couldn't survive without Evernote. It's where I keep all of my blog post ideas, and anytime I feel uninspired, I visit this list for post ideas. And yes, yes, YES to taking pictures of everything. Everyone in my life is pretty used to the fact that I blog now, so they expect me to take way too many pictures.

  12. Great tips. I definitely need to take more pictures. I've already more or less worked out about not burning out and spacing out my posts. As for lists I'm afraid I do it the old fashioned way and write down all my ideas in a notebook. ..

  13. Great tips! I have kept a list in my phone for years and it has saved me many times. Every few months I transcribe it to my computer organized by subject so it's easier to use. And yes, I have only posted once, sometimes twice, a week since the get go. It's been KEY for me.

  14. Swipe files are *so* helpful for blogging. That's always my #1 tip for anyone who gets writer's block -- start a swipe file and you'll never run out of ideas.
