Sunday, February 15, 2015

Apartment Living: My Bedroom Staples (That I've Never Had Before)

I have always had a small bedroom and an insane amount of things to cram into it. I never have enough closet space and no matter how hard I try (cough cough) to keep things organized and tidy, it's pretty much impossible. Partially because I'm lazy, but also because I just don't have ROOM! The bedroom I'm currently living in is probably my favorite by far (some reasons why: I bought almost all of the furniture myself, I love the light gray walls, it's the most private spot in my parent's home). The other two bedrooms I have had have been roughly the same size, though, so I've never gotten the luxury of having certain things in my room because there just wasn't room for them. This is one of the reasons I'm excited to move out! I refuse to live in a small bedroom, especially if I will be paying for it with my own paycheck. So for this installment of Apartment Living, I'd like to share with you some of the items I hope I'll be able to add to my new bedroom.

1. A comfy armchair: This is probably the one thing I'm most excited to finally have and if I can only choose one from this list, it would absolutely be the armchair. I want a big comfy chair where I cuddle up and read a book or browse the web on, with my soft blanket thrown over me. I'm sure my cat, Leyla, will make the chair her own, but when you have a cat you know that everything is fair game for nap locations. It will probably also turn into a spot where I throw my clothes and coats, but I will try my best to treat this sacred spot with the upmost respect.
2. A big, roomy desk: I've always had a desk in my room, so I consider myself really lucky for that. Problem is my desks have always been on the small side because I can't fit a bigger desk. If you haven't gotten the hint yet, I have a lot of stuff. Also, as a blogger, a desk is super important and I frequently have an abundance of papers and notebooks and books thrown about. I also like being able to use my computer on my desk but also have space next to it for notepads, etc. Being able to have a bigger desk will definitely help me stay more organized and hopefully help my productivity level.
3. A bookshelf: A tall bookshelf would be SO awesome to have. I would most likely only use one shelf for actual books, though. The rest of the shelves would work as fabulous storage space, however, and that is something I certainly want in my new room. There's also something really cozy about bookshelves and if kept nice and tidy it can really add something special to your room.
4. A vanity cart: So I only recently thought of this one, but a vanity cart sounds like one of the best ideas out there. A place where I can keep all things beauty related (and preferably one with wheels!) would make my life easier (and neater...maybe). I've seen some really cool ideas on pinterest and can't wait to have this in my new room. It would definitely clear up room on my dresser top, which is currently jam-packed with all my beauty products.

What's something you've always wanted for your bedroom but weren't able to have?


  1. AH yes! I've always wanted a big huge desk with tons of drawers haha! Something to align well with my love of organization!

  2. I want a comfy reading spot - either a small couch, chair, or window seat. I will say that I love having a separate room for my desk. Currently (and previously), my dining room has become and office space. I like keeping the bedroom for sleeping and reading!

  3. a big one for me was always a book shelf... I have so many books and they would just be in piles on the inside of my closet.

    when I moved out, my FAVOURITE purchase was this couch (which I am totally sitting on now):

    It trundles out into a queen sized bed (perfect for movie watching or sick days) and has storage under the "L" bit. It makes the apartment so so so cozy. Mine is beige.. but it was hard not to buy the pink one.

  4. My problem is that for the first time in my life, my room is too big! I know I shouldn't be complaining about that. I lived in NY for three years and pretty much lived in a closet for most of that so when I moved to ATX, I was like, I'm getting a big room! But now I don't have the money to actually furnish it haha. What I *really* want is a desk so I can use my dining table just to dine instead of it being covered in lists and notes and random bills and papers.

  5. Hahaha I can actually imagine finding it difficult to furnish a room that is too big. You'd need a lot of stuff to put in it or else it would look too bare! I would try and look for a desk at thrift stores, sometimes you can find a really great deal! You can even go all DIY on it and paint it some cool color to go with your room.

  6. Ah that's awesome!!! Thank you for sharing, I'm definitely putting in on my list. I would love to have a couch that also turns into a bed... perfect for when you have guests over, too!

  7. I've seen how you've set up your office space so far and I love it! I'm jealous. I wish I had a separate "office" as well - it would definitely clear up some space in my bedroom, too!

  8. I do recommend rethinking spaces when you get a place of your own. I don't eat at a dining room table very often so I have used the dining room space as my office in the past two apartments! This one I've had to work harder to make look like an office but I'm loving how it's coming along. :)

  9. Yeah it's great for guests! Plus it's still comfy to sit on because there are no springs (pullout beds can be awful...) good luck moving!

  10. Really nice plan! Having a comfy armchair is something that I really want because I really like to sit and read a book! Good luck with moving to the perfect apartment! You don't want so much! It will be more than possible to find a place with all these things! Good luck! visit site
