Sunday, March 1, 2015

End of the Week Faves (and the first link up!)

Can you believe it's already March? It certainly doesn't feel like it. We're expecting yet another snow storm today and potentially another on Tuesday. Isn't Spring supposed to be coming soon?! Ugh! Since my birthday is in March, it naturally has to be one of my favorites, but I also enjoy this month because we start to see the weather get warmer (let's just hope that happens this year...) Anyway, here are some of my favorites things from this week!

Check out:
-->The article I wrote for The Indie Chicks
-->This recipe for Cake Batter Blondies I somewhat failed at
-->This awesome '90s throw back Buzzfeed article
-->How to prepare financially when starting your own business
-->Crazy Game of Thrones theories that make me want to read the books

Favorite Photos:

Your weekly reminder:

And now, drum roll please... I'm finally starting my end of the week link up! I've been planning this for weeks now but haven't had the time to really put it together and I wanted to make sure it was as perfect as possible since it is the first link up I'm hosting. I'm hoping that this weekly link up will help expose bloggers, especially since they'll be sharing their favorite posts which generally tend to be their best work!

Here's the breakdown:
  • Every Sunday around 3 p.m. EST, I will be posting my "End of the Week Faves" which includes the link up. You'll be able to share your post until the link up closes on the following Monday at 6 p.m. EST. 
  • You can share any post made from the week leading up to that Sunday. So for example, for this week's link up you can share posts made between February 23rd (Monday) and today, March 1st (Sunday). Any posts that were not posted in that time frame will be deleted. 
  • The purpose of the link up is to share your favorite post from that week. That means limit to ONE per blog!!!
  • If you leave a link, please try to visit a few other blogs and leave them an engaging comment. Spread the blogger love!


  1. This was a big week for you! With the Indie Chicks article and the launching if your link up! Keep up the hard work! I love your fave pictures of the week, the elephant one in particular is stunning and very inspirational to me for some reason.

  2. Yah! I've been waiting for this link-up! I'm so excited about this!

  3. Thanks for doing this! :) Happy almost birthday! I have four other birthdays to celebrate this month. So many March babies!

  4. Thank you so much! It's also the week the person I hired to re-do my blog design got started on it! Lots of big things happening in my blog world :) And yes, I love elephants- they're very majestic creatures

  5. YAY! I hope it starts taking off this month! Thanks for participating :)

  6. WOO March babies! Haha thank you :)

  7. Free Willy & Homeward Bound! <3 <3 I miss my childhood, hahaha.

    Cake batter blondies are awesome! I've made those before, but subbed the oil in with applesauce instead. :D!

    Happy almost-birthday! :]

  8. I'm so excited to see your new blog design! That's such a fun thing to see through as a blogger.

  9. Found your blog on the blogging elite board! Thanks for the linkup and great job this week!

  10. Dana Brillante-PellerMarch 2, 2015 at 9:55 AM

    Congrats on the first link-up! I love that elephant picture - so serene!

  11. Love that elephant picture! they're my favourites! I may or may not have had a weepy moment reading the 90's buzzfeed article thinking about Shadow... when he comes over the hill? Are you kidding me!? tears.
