Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Hello, I'm Still Here

I have somehow gone on an unplanned blogging hiatus that has left me feeling totally empty and useless (and I'm sure other bloggers know the feeling). I'm not quite sure WHY I got into a blogging rut and I'm also not quite sure HOW to get out of it. I think working full-time finally caught up with me and all the eagerness and excitement I was running on for the past 2 months or so finally fizzled out. All I've really been doing lately is working, sleeping and watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix.

If this was just a hobby, I might not feel as guilty (who are we kidding, I'd feel just as guilty) but since I'm trying to turn my blog into a small business of sorts, I feel like I've neglected a big dream of mine. I'm trying not to pressure myself and get down in the dumps for this brain fog I'm in. I've had the support of so many other bloggers, though, and I'm so grateful to be a part of this community. If you've ever thought of starting a blog of your own, do it just so you can be a part of this wonderful group of people online supporting each other. Seriously, it's unlike any other.

To update everyone on this month's happenings:

  • I turned 24 on March 7th, which means I am officially in my "mid-twenties" AHHH! Sometimes I still feel five. Sometimes I feel 75.
  • I finally met my blog soulmate, Corinne from The Feminist Feline! She was in NYC for a week so I took a train in to hang out for a little bit. Yay for blog friends :)
  • I've hired a professional designer to re-do my blog's design and I'm SO excited and happy with how it's coming along. I'm hoping it will be up by next week! Maybe that will get me out of the blog rut, ha.
  • I am 100% done with winter. I've never been a fan of winter, but right now it really feels like it's dragging out. It's supposed to snow AGAIN on Friday, which is the first day of spring!
  • I'm trying to get back into yoga again in hopes it will help me balance myself, physically and mentally. I also currently have the strength of a jelly bean, so I'm hoping yoga will help me start getting back into shape. I bought 10 online yoga videos from my favorite yogi, Rachel Brathen, which I highly recommend! 
That's pretty much the run down on my life lately. I'm working hard to get back into my A game. I just want to let my readers know that I am still here and I am still fully committed to In-Between Life. Also - thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to read and support me. Whether you're a blogger or not, whether you leave comments or not - I truly appreciate every single bit of love and support I get.

xo, Val <3


  1. Sometimes blogging hiatuses leave me feeling emptier and less inspired. Glad to see you're back to blogging! Happy belated birthday and just know the mid twenties aren't too terrible.

  2. Yay for blogger friends! I've found that meeting fellow like-minded bloggers in person has been the biggest source of re-vitalization and inspiration. It's nice having someone in real life that just gets it. I hope your break is helping and you'll return even bigger and better with a new layout soon to follow!

  3. I'm in the same boat! Really exploring ways to grow, but at the same time feeling unmotivated to write. Maybe it's the change in seasons, or the time change. Either way, I'm hoping we both find that motivation again!

  4. I am right there with you. I took a break and now I can't really get out of the rut. Life happens and we will all be here waiting for ya.
