Thursday, May 7, 2015

5 Ways to Feel Better

Life seem boring lately? Feeling like you're in a rut? Depressed or sad? Itching for a change? Just being a lazy bum? Well friends, let me tell you, I've been all of those things in just one day. Thus, it's easy to say that I've become a bit of an expert on knowing certain things you can do to instantly feel better (even if it's only a little bit, just enough to get you to start crawling out of that hole). It's not to say that I do these things all the time, because to be honest, I rarely do them (ha). When I DO follow through with these actions, though, I always feel better. So get off your butt and start taking action!

[image source: weheartit]
  1. Re-arrange your room. I like to re-arrange my room a couple times a year or so whenever I feel like I need a change. In a way, it's kind of like taking a change in scenery without having to actually move or travel or any of that other expensive stuff. Simply switching your furniture around can give you that fresh perspective you need. This also helps in forcing yourself to clean your room and getting rid of junk you forgot you had, which leads me to my next point...
  2. Clean. Like I mean really, really deep clean. Waking up in a clean, tidy environment is THE way to start off your day. If any room in your house is a disaster, tackle it with ALL THE CLEANING SUPPLIES! Does it look like you live in your car? FIX THAT! I guarantee as soon as you're done, no matter how difficult and exhausting it may have been, you won't regret it. You'll feel refreshed. Being in an organized and clutter-free zone will also help de-clutter your mind a bit. Who couldn't use some of that?
  3. Do something nice for a stranger. This can be done anonymously if you want. You can pay for someone's coffee, put in more coins in their parking meter, write a bunch of positive letters and mail them out to random addresses, leave a small care package for your mail person, etc. The list is endless! Doing something that has the potential of making someone's day (and restoring their faith in humanity) is one of the best feelings out there. 
  4. Make a long-term plan. If you're anything like me, you need to know what's on the agenda for the rest of your life (stressful, much?) Of course we have no idea where we'll be a year from now, let alone tomorrow. Life throws curveballs all the time and I'm convinced it's the universe's favorite game to play. Regardless, thinking about your long-term plan, goals and dreams can be so helpful. It may help ease your anxiety about the future, it may help set you on the right path or it can simply help you narrow down your ideas for your future. It doesn't have to be a long-term plan. In fact, I suggest you start off small, because like I said before - life throws us curveballs. Try writing out a 6 month plan that can involve a multitude of things, such as your career plans, health goals, living situation, improving your life, etc. 
  5. Take a deep breath. Okay, this may seem so simple and cliche that it's just too good to be true, but it really can make a difference. Just close your eyes and take a deep breath (or 5 or 10) and just focus on your breaths. Then go through each of the problems you are facing and realize that everything has a solution, one way or another. Things have a way of working themselves out. Nothing is ever presented to us that we are not strong enough to overcome.


These are some things I personally do to pep myself up, so may or may not work for you. Everyone is different and you just need to find what works best for you!

  • Listen to music. I try to make a good playlist while I'm in a cheerful mood, so that way I always have it ready to go. Sometimes listening and singing along to your favorite songs is a great way to get out of your head for awhile.
  • Go outside. I really love nature. I love being in the woods, I love the way the wind blows in the trees, I love laying out when the sun is shining. The key here is to go somewhere that is peaceful enough and noise-free, so that all you really hear are the sounds of wildlife and nature itself (not cars buzzing around and people chit-chatting!)
  • Road trip alone. By "road trip" I mean short rides somewhere. If I'm not stuck in traffic, I genuinely enjoy driving long distances. One time I drove an hour to the beach by myself and was only there for a couple hours before I drove back home. It was very therapeutic though and it's a great time to just let yourself be alone with your thoughts.

What are some things you do to make yourself feel better?

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