Thursday, June 12, 2014

How To Be a Great Etsy Shop Owner + a GIVEAWAY!

Etsy is a great place to find handcrafted jewelry, crafts, accessories and so much more. Its increase in popularity the past couple of years is not surprising considering it's the perfect place to find unique items you may not be able to find in a regular store. There are tons and tons of different types of Etsy shops, all run by different types of individuals. In order to be a successful Etsy shop owner, there are many things you can (and should) do. I've written this brief guideline to help you guys out. Keep in mind, this is written from the perspective of a buyer, not a seller. I do not own an Etsy shop. I have, however, had experiences with a few and I like to think I know a thing or two about what keeps people happy and willing to come back for more.

1. Outreach - Just like you would with a blog, you need to put your Etsy shop out there. Create a Facebook fan page for it, an Instagram to advertise your selection, a Twitter to tweet about new products or upcoming sales, etc. There are lots of ways to let people know about your shop. Collaborating with blogs is also a good way to get your products introduced to more people!

2. Offering incentives - You definitely want customers who purchased your items to review them, especially if you're a shop that's just starting off (how else will people know if you're worth spending on?) so one way to do this is by offering customers incentives. If they leave you reviews, offer them some type of "reward" such as a 10% discount or free shipping on their next purchase. This leaves your customer happy and also means you could possibly have a returning customer. Also, if you noticed a customer that has purchased a few things from your shop already, offer them discounts for their loyalty. 

3. Fast delivery - I love ordering stuff online and waiting for it to arrive in the mail. You know what I love even more? When something gets to me quickly. Waiting sucks. If you take forever to ship your items, you may not have a returning customer. If an emergency comes up, or you get super swamped with other priorities, it's always a good idea to offer the customer some type of discount or future coupon for the inconvenience.

4. Respond to questions and emails promptly - You want to offer fast service, and part of this service includes answering questions or concerns your customers may have. Always respond in a polite manner. You know that saying "the customer is always right"? Well, even though it is technically your shop and you're not forced to do anything you don't want to, you should still try to keep that in mind. Of course, you don't want to be giving away your stuff for less than it's worth, but ensuring your customer is happy and satisfied with their purchase should always be a priority.

5. Don't overprice - Everyone know it takes a lot of time and effort (maybe even tears and sweat) to make perfect items to sell in your shop. That's why a lot of Etsy items tend to be more expensive than something you'd get a regular store. However, people will know if you are overcharging and they will not be willing to splurge on your item. Of course, you want to be making a profit, but try to be as fair as possible. Charge for the quality of the item along with the work and time you put into it.

Do you have any other suggestions for Etsy shop owners, either as a buyer or seller?

Now comes the fun part!!!
Etsy Giveaway with total prizes valued over $100!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you to these Etsy shops for contributing to this giveaway:

Make sure to check out their shops to take a look at what you can possibly win if you enter the giveaway! 
Good luck!

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