Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June Sponsor Spotlight!

I'd like to introduce my fabulous sponsors from this month! I came up with some questions for these ladies to answer in order for my readers to get a little more insight on their blogs, as well as what makes them awesome :) If you enjoy reading my blog, you're sure to find something to love on each of these blogs as well, so make sure to check them out!

1. What does your blog mostly focus on? My blog is a lifestyle blog but I focus on choosing to be positive, giving back and empowering girls and women to be strong, independent and, most importantly, themselves.
2. Why did you essentially start blogging? I used to have a daily journal blog in high school, but this particular blog began as a way of gathering readership for a magazine I'd love to start someday. My magazine would be the counterpart to Seventeen - focusing on being strong, independent women who embrace our likes (even if they are different than everyone else). I have loved meeting other amazing women and sharing their stories.
3. What do you hope your readers get out of your blog? I hope my readers feel inspired to be the best version of themselves and to remember to choose happiness!
4. Do you think blogging has changed you, or has the potential to in the future? I definitely think blogging has changed me, especially in the past year. I have been blogging for a long time, but this past year I really started to get into the blogging world. It has given me so much happiness and made me more focused on my dream.
5. What are your general thoughts on the blogging world? I think the blogging world is amazing! As a part of it, I love having the support system. Some of the friends I talk to the most live in different states and I have never met them, but we have a connection and I may never have found them without blogging. I also think that blogging helps others who don't write blogs. For example, my cousin is pregnant with her first child and has really gained a lot of insight from blogs. It helps her feel like she isn't going through this alone. Blogging is like an online support group.

6. What’s your favorite social media app and why? I am obsessed with Instagram. I love looking at pictures and seeing glimpses into others' lives.
7. If you could move anywhere in the world and live there for a year, where would you go? This may sound bad, but I don't think I would be able to do it. I would love to live somewhere else for 3-6 months, but a year is too long for me. I went away for college and realized that I can't leave California for too long or I get too sad. My family is very important to me and the weather spoils me!
8. Up until now, what has been your favorite age to be (or the best year of your life?)Oddly enough, I really have liked my landmark years - 18 and 21. Coincidentally, both of those years I felt very confident and inspired.
9. Let’s pretend you are a terrific singer/performer and you’re out for karaoke night with your friends: which song would you pick first? Karaoke is my favorite! I would definitely pick Cherry Bomb by the Runaways. It's my best song.
10. What is the first thing you would do if you won a million dollars? Pay off my debts!! #studentloanssuck

1. What does your blog mostly focus on? I try to focus my blog mostly on health and lifestyle, but a little fashion creeps in here and there. Since I like living a healthy lifestyle, I like to write about it.
2. Why did you essentially start blogging? I don't really know why. I wanted it as a supplement for my YouTube, but my blog started taking off more than my youtube has, actually. No complaints here!
3. What do you hope your readers get out of your blog? I hope they remember that they're all beautiful no matter what step of the journey they're on, and that being healthy is easy for everyone.
4. Do you think blogging has changed you, or has the potential to in the future? I think it has definitely strengthened my writing and social media skills. It also has made me more responsible I believe.
5. What are your general thoughts on the blogging world? I think it's one of the most powerful tools out there. A blog can fix anything. You can use to to advertise, vent, create a business, or just kill time. It's not just a fun option, it's necessary.

6. What’s your favorite social media app and why? Ahh, instagram. I love pictures.
7. If you could move anywhere in the world and live there for a year, where would you go? GREECE! Because it's the homeland. (I'm 25% Greek).
8. Up until now, what has been your favorite age to be (or the best year of your life?)Right now! I'm 18, the world is at my fingertips.
9. Let’s pretend you are a terrific singer/performer and you’re out for karaoke night with your friends: which song would you pick first? Any song by Ke$ha.
10. What is the first thing you would do if you won a million dollars? First, I would give enough to my Dad so he could retire now. Then, I'd put some away to move out soon. Then, I would take a trip to every state and country that my online friends live in to meet them! And I would definitely have a killer shopping spree.

1. What does your blog mostly focus on? When I started my blog, I went into it with the focus of recipes, crafts, and other odds and ends. As it's grown, I've started to focus on lots of different things, hence the name Hodge Podge Moments. It wasn't until I'd been blogging for a couple of months that I figured out there was a name for this kind of blogging - lifestyle blogging.
2. Why did you essentially start blogging? I started blogging because I love to write and I needed something to fill my time. My boyfriend had just moved to California and started a deployment on a boat. I needed something to focus on and blogging seemed like a great thing. I had tried to blog before but had never stuck with it because of time. Now that my blog is almost a year old (June 1st), I'm making time for it because I've come to enjoy it as a hobby.
3. What do you hope your readers get out of your blog? I hope my readers get inspiration. That inspiration may come in the form of life changes or a craft, but ultimately, I hope I inspire someone to do something!
4. Do you think blogging has changed you, or has the potential to in the future? I think it has given me a way to network with others. I have made so many new online friends through blogging that I wouldn't have met otherwise. It has also allowed me to tap into my creative side once again.
5. What are your general thoughts on the blogging world? I think the blogging world is a great way for us to share our ideas with others. I have tried many recipes and crafts as a result of great blogs out there.

6. What’s your favorite social media app and why? My favorite social media app is Instagram because I'm a photographer at heart.
7. If you could move anywhere in the world and live there for a year, where would you go? I've always wanted to visit California. (Oddly enough, I'll be moving there later this year.) I also think it would be cool to live in New York City for a year. I loved it there when I visited with my sister a few years ago.
8. Up until now, what has been your favorite age to be (or the best year of your life?) 25 - I learned a lot about myself at that age and met my boyfriend.
9. Let’s pretend you are a terrific singer/performer and you’re out for karaoke night with your friends: which song would you pick first? "Human" by the Killers. This is the one I always do best on when I play karaoke on the Wii with my best friend.
10. What is the first thing you would do if you won a million dollars? The first thing I would do is give some of it to my family.

Ashliegh @ The Darling Daily

1. What does your blog mostly focus on? Fashion, Beauty, Twenty-Something/Post-Grad Lifestyle
2. Why did you essentially start blogging? Originally, my blog was started as a personal fashion blog as a new years resolution. With the rise of Pinterest, many of my friends challenged me to post my outfits, too! Now my blog covers an array of topics and has grown so much!
3. What do you hope your readers get out of your blog? I hope that my readers leave feeling inspired and refreshed. I also want to build a community where readers can find and ask for advice and have fun!
4. Do you think blogging has changed you, or has the potential to in the future? Well, I believe blogging has definitely encouraged me to to expand my range of creativity! From learning HTML, graphic design, photography, and content writing, there are many creative outlets that come with blogging. It's definitely exciting to learn all of these new (and marketable) skills!
5. What are your general thoughts on the blogging world? I love that companies are seeking bloggers to help with their marketing (especially if those bloggers are being paid, as they should be). This definitely allows for more word-of-mouth marketing and allows people to hear and see the experiences someone has with a product outside of a TV commercial. It gives that element of storytelling that allows us to see how a product would be useful in our everyday "real" lives.

6. What’s your favorite social media app and why? Instagram! I love taking photos and viewing others photos. It allows me to see into another blogger's life outside of their blog and other social media!
7. If you could move anywhere in the world and live there for a year, where would you go? Oh this is such a tough questions! I have a serious case of wanderlust. I studied abroad in Costa Rica in college so I would love to return to such a beautiful and hospitable country. I'm also currently considering volunteer options in Peru. I would really go anywhere with a beautiful view and opportunities for adventure!
8. Up until now, what has been your favorite age to be (or the best year of your life?) 19. It was the year I went to college, rushed a sorority, and really enjoyed being away from home for the first time. I grew a lot as a person that year and had so many opportunities to grow as a woman and as a leader.
9. Let’s pretend you are a terrific singer/performer and you’re out for karaoke night with your friends: which song would you pick first? Well, I like to believe I am a terrific singer/performer. My go-to karaoke song is "Wanna Be" by The Spice Girls. Always a classic!
10. What is the first thing you would do if you won a million dollars? Cry tears of joy as I pay off my student loans!


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