Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Book Review: Eleanor & Park

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell (2013)

At first, I wasn't going to give this book a shot. I had heard a lot of rave reviews for it, but since it was classified as a "young adult fiction" novel, I stayed away. I'm not trying to enter the world of Twilight or anything like that (again...) Then, one day when I was at the library checking out books for the kiddos, I spotted this on display right in the teen books section and I just went for it. I figured there must be something so great about this kind of book if even adults (or you know, people my age) were giving it such good reviews. I put off reading it for awhile because I got stuck on some Netflix binge-watching, sleeping in all vacation long, etc. Once I started reading it though, it took me about 2 or 3 days to finish it. That is ALWAYS a good sign for a book when it comes to me. 

Reading this book had me smiling practically the entire time. I don't want to give anything away, so all I'll say is that it's essentially a love story. A story about your first love and all the craziness and wonderfulness of it. It's a sweet story, but it also has a bit of a dark side to it. The only thing I didn't like about this book was that I felt the ending was rushed. All the way up until the very last few chapters, the book had a great pace that kept me intrigued and wanting to keep reading. The end, however, came so fast and the story timeline was super sped up. I liked the ending overall, but I wish there had been more of a build up. 

I definitely recommend this book, especially since it's a quick read. Even if you're not a fan of young adult fiction or "love stories" I still think you should give it a try! I'm glad I did :)

Have you read Eleanor & Park? What did you think of it?

Check out all of my book reviews here.

1 comment

  1. I read this over the summer too! In the beginning I wasn't really hooked but I got more and more absorbed as the story unfolded. The ending to me was so wide open that I kind of wish there was a sequel!
