Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring Fashion Predictions

Let me start off by saying I'm not one of those girls who is super into fashion or the latest trends. I kind of dance to the beat of my own drum. 50% of the time I leave my house I'm wearing sweats, no make-up and a general "idc" attitude. BUT, I am a girl and I DO enjoy the occasional fashion binges. If I were A. less lazy, B. had more money, C. had a walk-in closet and D. had more time, I would probably be super into fashion and the latest trends and actually doing my make-up and all that jazz.

Since I'm a social media addict (as most of us are, don't deny) I'm on Pinterest and Instagram 24/7. This is how I indulge in the "girlier" side of me. I like scrolling through pictures of people's outfits, gawking at the latest Instagram post from so and so, "window" shopping on clothing websites, etc. I like to think I have a keen eye and a sixth sense, if you will, of what the upcoming trends are going to be. That's why I'm sharing with you what my fashion trend predictions are for this Spring! Some of these might be very obvious for you, but bare with me.
Spring 2014 Fashion Predictions


For the past couple of years, I've been telling my one friend (who continuously makes fun of me for it) that overalls are going to be making a huge comeback. The 90s were all about overalls. I had a pair of Minnie Mouse overalls when I was a kid and I absolutely loved them. I wanted to try and find a pair of overall shorts for myself recently, but had trouble finding any in stores. I considered buying a pair of regular overalls at a thrift store and making them cutoffs but, I'm really bad at DIY projects, so that was that. Recently, however, I have noticed a ton of celebrities wearing overall shorts. THEY'RE BACK! I haven't seen any in normal-not-super-expensive stores yet, but I'm sure they will start showing up soon enough. Maybe people will even try making their own (maybe even I will?!) Trust me, though, if you haven't seen it already, overalls are making a come back. They're cute and comfortable, so why not?

White Lace

I feel like this one is pretty much a given, and something that's been around for awhile now. Regardless of how obvious it may be, I have definitely been seeing a lot more white lace on clothing. White lace is everywhere and on everything. It's the perfect spring/summer style, in my opinion. Overall, I think white lace shorts/skirts are certainly going to be big this spring and summer. It's great to have in your wardrobe because it basically matches with anything and it's also a nice way to dress up your outfit without going too overboard.

Kimono Cardigans

These are PERFECT for spring. They're light-weight cardigans that are inspired by traditional kimonos. I've seen them in all sorts of patterns and fabrics, but my favorite are the floral pattern ones. They're light enough for spring/summer weather and they can really complete any outfit. I'm a huge fan of cardigans and I get sad when it's no longer "cardigan weather", so these types of cardigans make me so happy. I've been noticing them show up on a ton of my "window shopping" online stores.

Crazy Color Hair



A couple years back, it was the latest trend to get ombre style crazy colored hair or even highlights in colors like pink, purple, blue, etc. Lately, however, I've noticed that a lot of people (especially celebrities) are dying their entire hair some type of "abnormal" color. Although it probably damages your hair like crazy, and it's really hard to keep up with it because these types of colors fade out of your hair quickly, I still think it's a cool trend. Maybe it won't be something that everybody starts doing, because how do you explain to your boss that you decided to look like an Easter egg for awhile? It is a popular trend, though, and if you feel like doing something crazy... go dye your entire head light purple.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16


  1. Kimono cardigans are awesome, I need to get one!
    xoxo Chloe | Wanderlust in the Midwest

  2. I've been seeing overalls everywhere lately! Love the kimono cardigans! :)

  3. YES! I'm so excited overalls are back in style. I would have rocked them even if they weren't "trendy" but I just need to find a pair that actually fit me... that's gonna be a challenge haha

  4. I haven't worn them since I was a little kid, but your post has made me reconsider. Haha!

  5. I want one of those kimono cardigans so bad, I love them! xx, Elizabeth
