Wednesday, October 22, 2014

On making mistakes (constantly)

Lately I've found myself moving backwards. This is kind of how my life has always been. I make a mistake or I learn something (the hard way) but because of it I vow to make some sort of change, whether it's in my way of thinking or just life in general. I do this repeatedly. I always think that this is it, this is the last time, I will not repeat the same mistake. But you know what? 90% of the time I end up right where I started. For every step forward, I take two steps back. Or maybe it's really for every two steps forward, I take one step back? I rather think of it that way, because I know along the way of my many, many mistakes, I'm still learning, progressing and generally trying to make myself a better person.
This past month or so, the whole "unemployed & desperately looking for my dream job" thing has taken a toll on me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't struggling. Having a job, even if it was just a "nanny" job, kept my life in perspective and kept me more or less sane. I had a responsibility, one that I took very, very seriously, and somehow that also kept my head on my shoulders. I don't think I really realized the full extent of that until it was gone. I found myself kind of back to where I was immediately post-graduation, during one of the more difficult periods of my life, and although I do feel I have changed tremendously and matured, I had the sense that I had taken a giant leap backwards in life.
That's when I started repeating past mistakes. When I started to find myself on the edge of a cliff and extremely scared of what would happen if I let myself fall off. I want to have control of my life, I want to follow my dreams and pursue my passions, but fear has gotten in the way so many times. I felt that because I didn't have my "shit together" so to speak, I was a failure. Thus, it's okay for a failure to repeat past mistakes and pretend as if she's never learned her lesson, the hard way, multiple times.

The mistakes I made? I'm not going to go into detail about them. Those who are close to me probably already know and they know that it's been a struggle for me for awhile. Maybe if they've also paid close attention to my life, they are mistakes I make when things are rough. I like to share my personal life on here because I hope that I'm able to connect with other people and reach out to those who are struggling as well. While I would love to pour my heart out about all of this, there's only so much I can say, and even saying all of this is very personal to me. But there is a point in this story. A big one.
It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to keep making the same mistakes. It's okay to feel awful about it and it's even okay to not really care. You may have friends or family who will try to talk sense into you or you may even find yourself trying to talk sense into you, only to head back down that nasty road once again. Whether it's mistakes you're making with your relationships, with your family, with your friends, with your health, with your personal life, etc., it won't matter what other people say or do to try and make you change until you finally realize that you need to change.
One classic example I can think of that perfectly exemplifies this situation is when you have a friend who keeps making the same mistakes in his/her love life, no matter how many times you tell them to stop. I have had a couple friends who kept making the same mistakes, or more so hung on to the same mistake, for a very long time. You can give people all the advice in the world, but they won't change until they themselves realize everything. They'll probably even come to this realization more than once and just when you think "FINALLY!" they are back at it again. Don't give up on them, though. Don't give up on yourself. You keep making that same mistake? Someday you finally won't.
It's different for everyone, but we all have that "aha" moment or that real reason for wanting to make a change, but when you do that's freakin' awesome. You have reached your tipping point. You'll finally realize: it's time to change. It's time to stop repeating those mistakes.

I reached my tipping point recently. I don't know what makes this time different than any of the others (although I'm kind of starting to get a sense of it), all I know is I want to put an end to these mistakes that leave me feeling so crappy. We all make mistakes, all kinds of mistakes. Sometimes we make certain mistakes more than once. Sometimes we learn from them, sometimes we don't. What's important is that you realize you can change. It may take a lot of guts and a lot of courage and strength on your part, but it's possible, I promise.
Next time you find yourself making a mistake (even if it's something silly like making a typo on an important email) don't beat yourself up about it. It's okay to feel bad and it's okay to kind of freak out, but at most give it a day. Then after that period of "mourning", get back on your feet and try again.


  1. Amazing post.. Thank you for sharing something so personal. (I love reading personal posts. Makes me feel less alone.) I also have the problem of taking one step backwards for every two steps forward. But what I've had to learn, is that it's the steps forward that matter the most. It's where you're going, not where you've been. I've also had to make some of the same mistakes twice, and learning that it's okay is definitely a hard truth to grasp. Trying to take things one day at a time is generally what keeps me (somewhat) sane. Easier said than done, though, right?

  2. I agree with Erin, such a personal and amazing post. I can imagine you're going through a difficult time, but it's great to see that you're realizing that you can't dwell on the past. You can't sit around feeling bad for yourself because that won't get you anywhere you want to be. You can make it past this rough patch in your life, and you will eventually find yourself in a place that is a great fit for you.

  3. I understand your frustration. I had to stop looking for jobs for this past month and a half because I was so exhausted from the disappointment. Of course, that's when I make the mistake of letting go on other parts of my life because I can't understand why I can't succeed with two degrees.

    But thank you for the reminder that it's ok to fall down and get back up — more than once and for the same reasons. I definitely needed to hear this today.

  4. This is a great post!! We all make mistakes, and we all grow from them. My hardest thing is not dwelling on them.

  5. Ah, I needed to read this. I'm having the same issue "Unemployed and looking for a dream job" though I am struggling through my part time job at Starbucks to cover expenses while searching for a real job. It still feels to me like I'm unemployed, since it's only part time and it's something I certainly don't need 2 college degrees to be doing. We gotta keep chugging forward, breathe deeply, and try to look on a bright side and be happy for what we currently have, instead of what we are lacking.

  6. Thank you so much! That's one of the reasons I open up about things like this here; I really hope to connect with other people and help them feel they're not alone. You're absolutely right that the steps forward count more. It's all about learning and continuing to learn, no matter how many times it takes. It definitely is easier said than done, but don't worry, we're on the same boat!

  7. Thank you! I am glad that I'm able to recognize these things and understand the changes that need to take place in order for me to move forward. For other people it takes a lot of effort to get to that point. I like to think we just have to "keep on keepin' on" because that's the only way to excel forward. Thank you for your kind words :)

  8. While I'm not glad you understand my frustration, at the same time I kind of am? Just to know that I'm not alone in feeling this way. I've also become exhausted from disappointment and it takes a lot of energy to pick myself up again and give it another go. I'm glad my words and experience were able to help. Hang in there and keep trying. Eventually things end up working out, as long as you keep believing they will!

  9. Thanks! I agree, dwelling on mistakes is a big issue of mine as well. I've gotten so much better through the years, though. I've learned to realize that not everything is as big of an issue as I make it out to be. It's really important to have that kind of mentality!

  10. I totally get where you're coming from. I'm torn in half between going back to nannying just so I can make some form of income or continuing to wait it out and keep trying to find the right job for me. It's so discouraging to think four years of college result in this kind of lifestyle, when I had so many other plans for my future. But you're right, we have to keep trying, take deep breaths and just have faith that all will fall into place. I sincerely hope you find your dream job soon enough! Best of luck :)
