Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Yoga Challenge

I have only been practicing yoga for about 6 weeks now, and definitely not consistently. Despite that, I have already noticed so many changes. Yoga is for the body, mind and soul. I haven't been this flexible since I was a little girl. I feel this type of relaxation when I do yoga/after I do yoga, that I have never really experienced before. And if you believe in that sort of thing, it affects your soul, too. I feel more connected to myself when I do yoga. It's me time. It grounds me. It just has a positive effect on me, overall.

Now, when I practice yoga, I kind of do my own thing. I'm pretty sure I'm practicing "poses" that aren't really technically poses—I just make them up. But the one thing I've learned with yoga is that you're supposed to just listen to your body and it will tell you what it needs, what it wants. So that's kind of how I've been practicing yoga—just going with the flow, feeling the moment.

I follow a ton of yoga Instagram accounts because I love being inspired to continue my practice so that one day I can actually do all those incredible asanas. I'm working on my headstand right now, and I'm baffled at what my body is actually capable of. The key to mastering yoga, though, is consistency. The hashtag "yogaeverydamnday" has it's reason. The more frequent you practice, the better you'll become and the more changes you will see your body go through—a transformation that will surprise many of you.

Since my issue lately is not being consistent with my practice, I'm so excited to start the May Yoga Challenge hosted by beachyogagirl on Instagram! What's special about this month's challenge, and what's actually making me do it, is that it's meant for beginners. None of the poses are those hard, fancy ones you see all the time. It's basic yoga stuff. Any newbie can participate! If you've been thinking about starting yoga, this is a great opportunity to finally get around to it.

Follow me on Instagram to watch out for my yoga challenge posts! If you plan on doing the challenge, let me know what your Instagram is so I can follow along with you!

If you need a little yoga inspiration, follow my yoga Pinterest board!

Here's to a happier, healthier and more flexible May!
Namaste ♥︎


  1. I absolutely LOVE yoga, I totally agree, it really is for the mind body and soul. I will *try to take part in this challenge (right now I do yoga about once a week but I really want to start getting more into it! At the very least I will be following along with you via instagram and pinterest :)

    1. Haha excellent :) It is hard to stick to doing things, especially exercise-related stuff (at least for me.) Hopefully since it's a challenge and now I've let the world know I'm doing it, I will actually stick to it and do the whole month...

      xo, Val

  2. My body just doesn't do the yoga. Believe me, I have tried. Since I have trouble with the positions, I end up grumpy and sweaty and definitely not relaxed.

    1. Have you tried starting off with the simplest poses? Like just laying on your back and practicing breathing exercises, or child's pose. Sometimes yoga is just all about the breathing and meditative state. It doesn't have to be about breaking a sweat!

      xo, Val

  3. Good luck with the yoga challenge. I attend miscellaneous yoga classes throughout the month for good practice. I am still learning to listen to my body though so, I am not a bonafide yogi yet!

    HCXO Semirah

    1. I think it's easier to "listen to your body" when you practice yoga alone. I've attended a few classes, and they were fun and really helpful and all, but now I just do it on my own. I find it much more relaxing and useful that way!

      xo, Val

  4. I've been trying to get into yoga lately myself (although I'm pretty sure it could be more accurately called "lazy girl yoga" - I get into bridge from a laying down on my back position). I've been thinking about doing a post on it lately, so I'll definitely be participating in this challenge, although I can't promise Instagram photos every day.

    I also love following yoga instagrams. Have you seen laurasykora? She posts photos of these amazing poses she and her daughter do together.

    1. Ah, I'll have to check her out! Lots of parents and teachers have been trying to get kids to practice yoga lately!

      I probably won't be able to post every single day, so I might do mash up posts of two or three poses each time, but it will still be fun :) Can't wait to see yours!

      xo, Val

  5. This is so cool! So I guess you just take pics of your self in each position of the day? I dont think I could do all of them, though! Good luck!
