Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Summer Essentials & a GIVEAWAY!!!

As I write this post, it is very humid and hot out—aka finally starting to feel like summer! Of course here in the northeast we won't be getting steady "summer" weather for at least a few more weeks, but days like today get me excited for summertime. Which leads me to what this post is ultimately about... summer essentials! While I don't typically write posts about fashion/beauty products, this is a special post because it is also my first GIVEAWAY! 

I have compiled a short list of what I believe should be every girl's summer essentials and items you should feel free to purchase every summer, even if you already have them, because why not treat yourself?! Everything listed can be found at Target because that store has just about everything you could ever need and you never leave with just one item (or even what you originally intended on getting.) I also like that most of their stuff isn't outrageously priced and you're still getting good quality items. So without further ado, here are my...


1. Bikini - every girl should have a bikini they feel their best in.
2. Light weight tee - who wants to wear a tight t-shirt when you're sweating bullets?
3. Night gown - for those hot sticky summer nights, a thin cotton night gown is perfect.
4. Body butter - to keep your skin well hydrated, props if it's a tropical smell (such as mango) 
5. Flip flops - not just any old flip flops, you need sturdy and comfortable ones!
6. Tote bag - to carry all your beach/pool supplies, duh.
7. Dry shampoo - because sometimes it's just not possible to wash your hair 50 times in one day.
8. Shorts - a pair of good comfy shorts that match with almost everything (like these black ones)
 9. Maxi dress - may not be your thing, but they're in style and can be a cute addition to your wardrobe

Now comes the fun part. Thanks to 14 other wonderful bloggers, I am hosting this giveaway that includes a $100 Target gift card and a $15 Starbucks gift card (because who doesn't want an iced coffee after they have shopped till they dropped?!) I am so grateful that I was able to work with these amazing ladies and they helped contribute to this grand prize, so please make sure you check out each of their blogs!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The contest ends on Memorial Day, which I consider to be the start of summer! 
Thanks for reading and supporting my blog, good luck! :)

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